Primary school pupils across the South West prepare to return to a different sort of education during coronavirus
When and how to send children back to school has been one of the biggest debates of the lockdown. From Monday, 1 June, some primary pupils will start returning to their classrooms to face new social distancing measures and education like never before. Teachers say they are having to go against some of their instincts to conform. Faced with classes a third of their usual size, books and toys are having to be stored away with two-metre tape and barriers a common sight. We're a little nervous, a little unsure. School will look very different. Many parents are keen for their children to come back, but others are wary and will wait to see what we do as a school first before deciding if their children will come back. – Marie Thomas, Headteacher, St Mary Redcliffe C of E Primary School Most schools will welcome back nursery, Reception, Years 1 & 6, but the headteacher has the final say. St Mary Redc...